Saving frequently used search queries

In Picvario, it is possible to save and add frequent searches to the menu.

In order to do this, go to the admin panel and do the following steps:

  1. Open the Custom Filters table by Home > Search > Custom filters.MicrosoftTeams-image.png
  2. Click the Add custom filter button.
  3. Type in the filter name.
  4. In the Filter type field, select whether the filter is applicable to assets, collections or both.
  5. Go to the Picvario interface and type the search query you wish to save in the search bar and/or use search filters. For example, public photos with the tag aerial photography.
  6. Open the search filter and click Get code to save it to the clipboard.
  7. Paste the code in the Filter field  in the admin panel.
  8. Check the Active box to activate the filter.
  9. Press Save.


Go to the Picvario interface and refresh the browser page. The created filter will appear in the asset and collection selection menu next to the company logo.



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